Friday, November 2, 2007

Western France-October Break

So our trip to Western France was a success! Chelsea (my Australian friend) and I traveled to: Tours, Château Chenonceau, La Rochelle, St Malo & Mont St Michel. I really love western France! It was nice to be on the coast again and to smell the salty ocean air! My favorite city by far was St. Malo. The beaches are gorgeous and sandy, but there is also rugged rocks all around. The city just seems to appear out of the rock.

We went to the History Museum in St Malo, and I learned a lot about Canada! Jacques Cartier (who "discovered" Canada in the 1530's) was from St Malo and on his first voyage he landed in Newfoundland. From then on, NFL and St Malo were connected through the fishing trade. I was shocked to find that I could learn something about Canadian History in a French Museum...but it makes sense. The French were the "first" ones in Canada after all; they wouldn't want the world to forget that!

Anyway, enough of the history lesson. Here are some pictures of my travels!

Tours: The old city
(we had a desert crêpe from the little restaurant at the bottom of the middle building).

View of the river Cher at Château Chenonceau

Reflection of Château Chenonceau (my fairy tale castle!)

La Rochelle: Chain Tower (left) & St Nicolas Tower (right).

Sunset in La Rochelle

La Rochelle: Chain Tower (left) & St Nicolas Tower (right)

St Malo: view from island Grand Bé

Beautiful beaches of St Malo

The Abbey of Mont St Michel

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