Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In Between Times

So I just posted my photos from Switzerland! Sorry for the delay...plus they are not very spectacular "à cause des" clouds, so I didn't get any of the Swiss Alps, but never fear, I'll probably be going back sometime in the near future.

So this week is just a regular boring school week for me, studying (uhhh the reason I'm here!) and hanging out with friends.

One neat thing is that in two weeks I'm going to ROME! I just booked my flights for very cheap. I'll be flying into Naples and spending the day in Pompeii then the next day taking the train to Rome where I'll spend 3 full days. I'm so excited to see and experience the city. Most people that I've talked to have absolutely loved Rome, so I have high hopes...I'll let you know how it goes!

À la prochaine!


Anonymous said...

You'll love rome... it's pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin,

Great blog. My first visit to your site. It looks like you've been making the most of your stay in France.

Looking at your pictures reminds me a lot of my year in Belgium. I can't believe it's been 17 years already. I did lots of travelling that year and visited most of the same places you are. I'm sure you'll enjoy Rome - the Trevi Fountain, Collosseum etc. I had my left and right ears pierced near the Spanish Steps. To be young and foolish...

Take care and gros bisous,

Your cousin, Lance

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin, I hope you have a great time in Rome! My mom sais hi and she hopes you have a good time too!

Jody And Karen

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,
Great update to your blog. It's so exciting for the rest of us to travel the world through this site of yours. Keep the pics coming of your travels and try to get some school work in there too, although travelling is definately an education in itself! "Cease the day" I do believe is your motto, even when you were young and didnt know what that meant you practically spent your time making use of every waking moment. You'll have great stories of life adventures to pass on one day! We are excited about your trip to relatives in Scotland for the holidays!
Love you, mom

Nicole said...

Erin!!! your pictures are awesome...it's unfortunate that it was cloudy though. Switzerland is somewhere I want to go back to. i think I only spent 3 days there or so (we were running out of time!)
Rome is great though...lots of history. When are you going?