Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Week of Exams...dun dun dun

So this week was my mid-term week. There are 4 sections that they test you on:
1. Oral comprehension
2. Reading comprehension
3. Essay writing skills
4. Oral presentation skills

So I'm done the first three, and have my 15 min oral presentation on the history of the French Renaissance on Tuesday. It should go well (hopefully!)

Meanwhile, this weekend I'm heading off to Switzerland! I have a friend that I met at IVCF at UVic and she is doing her masters there, so Chelsea and I are going to Lucerne (Mt. Pilatus), Bern and Geneva. At Mt. Pilatus there is an aerial cable-car that goes up the mountain so we can get a clear picture of what the alps look like! It's going to be amazing! Unfortunately the UN in Geneva isn't open on the weekend, so we can't get a tour of the inside (that would have been so interesting!) but we can still take pictures of the outside! I will post pictures as soon as I get back as well! I hope that you've enjoyed the ones that I've already posted :) À Bientôt!


Nicole said...

how were the exams?

Nicole said...

by the way - your pictures are awesome!