Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Maginot Line

Last Sunday the the "Amicale" (social) group of Marc Bloch University put together an excursion to the Maginot Line. The Maginot Line is an underground fortification that was built for the second world war and is situated on the boarder between France and Germany. We got to go on a tour of one part of the massive line. It was really interesting to see where the soldiers had to spend a large part of their time.
After the tour, our group went for dinner at a traditional Alsatian Tarte Flambé restaurant. They cooked the tarte flambés traditionally in a large open flame oven. For desert we had an apple tarte flambé. It was delicious!

I've posted pictures in a slideshow on the right side of my blog. You can click on it and you to the page to see the captions and see what the photo is about.

This weekend I'm going to visit the Colmar Christmas Market (30min south of Strasbourg), so there will be more Christmas cheer coming up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erin, that sounds so cool... the first thing I thought of was that my Dad (Grandpa Settler) would LOVE to be there seeing stuff like that - he's a complete WWII buff. Glad you're keeping up with your blog. Take care

Auntie Coco