Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Take time to drink "un café"

"le café, le soleil de ma vie!"

That is a scary thought since before I came to France I never ever drank coffee, and now in between classes I can't wait for our "petite pause" so that I can go and buy a 50 cent espresso from the little machine in our university building! The institution that is "le café" has such a presence in France. Some people spend hours and hours just sitting in their little neighborhood café. I have one of my favorite cafés just a bit of a walk from my house.

This upcoming week is going to be a bit stressful for me as it is mid-term time. I'm sure it will be alright, but at the moment it all seems a little overwhelming!

I am also in the process of planning my 2 week break in April. I know what you are going to is it that I get 2 more weeks of holidays? All I have to say is, for all that I complain about the French Administration etc. at least I get sufficient holidays! I am planning a trip to Germany to visit some family friends, and then I will hopefully get to Krakow, Poland and Budapest, Hungary (the 2 cities I think I've chosen in Eastern Europe).

I am also thinking of heading to EuroDisney in Paris! I'm so excited to talk to Mickey in French! haha.

I hope everyone is doing well! Don't forget to take time to enjoy life...sit and drink un café and contemplate la vie!


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm coffee! Hope your term goes really well for you!

Love Jody :D

Nicole said...

drinking coffee in cafes is probably one of my favourite things in the world!

Nicole said...

drinking coffee in cafes is probably one of my favourite things ever!

Nicole said...

I love love love drinking coffee in cafes!