Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Non-Snowy Ski Trip

Last Monday I went for a skiing adventure to "les Vosges" which is a mountain about 2 hours outside Strasbourg. In the past, the skiing trip had been canceled due to a "manque de neige" (lack of snow). It was quite amusing, becuase when we arrived I thought we would have to turn around and go back...the mountain literally looked like this:

But alas, we did not did we ski you might ask? Well it just so happens that they piled snow on a few runs forming a sort of mud-snow pathway. It was really hard to ski becuase it was really slushy and then turned to ice. My friend Jessica came with me and she had only gone skiing a handful of times. We were told that there were easy runs higher up the mountain...but then we found out they were closed. Poor Jess had to take off her skis and walk down have the run! It was fun all around though.

Here is a glimpse of our mud-snow pathway:

Me being wet and...well wet.

I'm glad we went, but time I'll head for the Alps!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

that looks interesting to say the least...