Thursday, April 10, 2008

Traveling Eastern Europe!

Here is an update on my life right now! It is my 2nd two week break from school, so I decided to do a tour around Eastern Europe! It is now one week into the trip and it´s been a great time so far! The plan is to go to the following places:

-Prague, Czech Republic
-Vienna, Austria
-Bratilsava, Slovakia
-Budapest, Hungary
-Krakow, Poland

I´ve already been to Prague and it was so amazing! I can´t begin to explain the amazing-ness of Prague. Vienna is good as well, but it feels like much a bigger city, and Prague is more quaint. Tomorrow I´m off to Bratislava to stay with Rick and Barb Campbell´s friends that live there. It should be a true Slovakian experience! They have invited me to their neice´s birthday party and I will be almost the only one that speaks English!

I will post my pictures when I return to France around the 20th of April.

One week left of vacation then it´s back to school and then exams!

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