Monday, January 14, 2008

And the learning continues...

So second semester has officially started after a long and quite satisfying break. At the international institute, we get a bit of an extended break becuase of the new students coming to the University. They have to go through all the procedures that I had to go through at the beginning of the year: a placement test, orientation and tours etc. The Christmas lights have been taken down, the marché de noël is over, and there is no excuse...the waiting is finally over and I have to use my brain again.

Even though classes have started up again, I find myself anxiously awaiting the next holiday in February. I fear that I have adopted a French attitude (over here there are holidays left right and centre!) I am already planning out how to spend said vacation. So if there are any ideas floating out there of what I should do...let me know!

Last weekend I said goodbye to my good friend Reni from Norway. She is traveling to India, so most of my good friends have left me! I just need to get on the friend-making bandwagon again. I figure I can bribe them with the promise of Canadian maple candy. It worked for Ross on "Friends." Ok, enough TV references, off to study la langue française!

Reni & I on her last night out in Strasbourg.


Anonymous said...

HA ... maple candy ...
So... the Pope hey? ... I'm pretty sure that he didn't wave at you .. but I mean, I'm no bubble burster.. :) lol
I love you, and I'm so jealous that you went to Rome without me, but I'm pretty sure that Victoria will make up for it! ....
When you meet new people, ask them what their favorite color is, thats always a ground breaker ... Maybe you will find a nice cat friend, and then you won't ever be lonley! :)Although dogs are better ...
Yep, thats about all! Love you lots! Bye!
~Your favorite sister! BETH ~

Nicole said...

that sucks that your friends have left! but you will make new friends! I think you should go to Germany and visit Jork - an awesome guy that Alie and I met in New Zealand...he's probably one of the nicest people ever...

Anonymous said...

I just looked at all your pictures again and the two videos you posted. They are amazing. I'd like you to come to Rotary to give our Rotary club a presentation on your eight months away. hopefully we can make this happen. You rock

Love Dad