Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mon Anniversiare

So this last weekend was my 23rd Birthday!! I have now entered Grandma-hood. I had such an awesome time. All the Canadians got together and my friend Jessica spoiled me so much! We went to an Irish Pub and all of a sudden the lights went out and they all started singing Happy Birthday. The funniest thing was that she bought special candles that didn't blow out...so I kept trying to blow them out but they never did.

I will officially land in Vancouver at 4pm on Sunday May 25th. So I have exactly 5 more days left in Strasbourg, and then I leave to go back to Qualicum Beach. I am really excited to get home, but at the same time I really don't want to leave France. Now that exams are over, most of the Canadians have left. I think there are only 4 of us, so we are making the most of it and having dinner at all the traditional Alsatian restaurants.

I hope all is well back home, and I'll see most of you very soon!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Exam Period!

"Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos"

So today is my first day on the slippery slope downhill towards the exam finish line, and that quote sums up my life right now :)

My exam period didn't start out very well because he dates of my first exam got mixed up. On the exam board it was posted as today, but our prof was told it was next week. So our whole class was standing outside the classroom (which was occupied by another class) waiting for our prof to show up. We finally found her and started our exam a half hour late.

Today I have one more exam then 3 again tomorrow. I have a bit of a break and then I have 3 more...so 8 exams all together! Exams end on May 16th and then it's my birthday on May 17th!!! I turn 23 (a bit scary). My friends would say to me "Welcome to Grandma-hood."

I can't believe I come back to Canada on May 25th. That means (c'est-à-dire) I have: half a month, or 2.7 weeks, or 19 days, or 456hrs, or 27,360min, or 1,641,600sec left before I get home. WOW.

See some of you very soon!