Saturday, March 15, 2008

James My Hero

So finally mid-term exams are over! I'm pretty sure they went well, but I'll have to wait and see after I get the results back. It always works out that if you think you did good, you probably did horrible and vice versa. Lets hope for the best!

Tonight to celebrate (the end of exams) I went to a James Blunt concert. It was soooo great! I went with a few other Canadian girls and we had such a blast! I've posted 2 links on the right had side of videos I took of James Blunt singing two of his most popular songs: Beautiful & Goodbye My Lover. I was pleasantly surprised at the upbeat-ness of the concert. James Blunt's songs are usually more mellow, but he was definitely rockin' it in Strasbourg!

Here is a photo of the man himself:

Today I also died my hair! I decided to do something a little different (but not too different) so it's died really dark brown/almost black. For me it's a big change, but I know I'll get use to it.

This week and the weeks to come are pretty busy so expect frequent updates!

À plus tard!

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